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The Master Plan is a document which creates policies to guide the future development of the Township. This plan is necessary prior to creating the municipalities zoning ordinance. The difference between a Master Plan and the Zoning Ordinance is that the master plan is a policy document that expresses the intent of the Township and the zoning ordinance is law with penalties and consequences for not following it. 

The Master Plan communicates a shared vision for Hamburg Township’s future and guides how the Township can build on its assets and overcome barriers to reach that vision. The Master Plan is a tool used by Township staff as well as local boards and committees to make decisions about: 

  • How the Town can protect environmentally sensitive areas as well as important historic buildings and landmarks;

  • What future investments in community services are priorities; and

  • How the Town can support business development.

Master Plan: Bio


It is Required by the Michigan Planning Enabling Act (MPEA)

The MPEA requires that the Master Plan “make careful and comprehensive surveys and studies of present conditions and future growth within the planning jurisdiction with due regard to its relation to neighboring jurisdictions” Section 31(2)(a)). This includes information such as demographic and housing data and conditions within a community such as existing environmental and transportation information. This information is the background data, studies and resources that are used to help create the goals and objectives of the master plan. In newer master plan this information is put into a “fact book” and included by reference in the Master Plan. This allows the Master Plan document to be more streamlined and easier to use by reducing the overall size of the document and only including the more important information in the actual Plan.

MPEA also requires “A master plan shall address land use and infrastructure issues and may project 20 years or more into the future. A master plan shall include maps, plats, charts, and descriptive, explanatory, and other related matter and shall show the planning commission’s recommendations for the physical development of the planning jurisdiction” (Sec. 33(1)). This information also can mostly be found in the fact book.

In addition to this required information MPEA also states that the Master Plan shall include the following subjects if they are considered in determining the future development of the Township:

  1. A land use plan that includes a classification and allocation of land for various uses (Sec. 33(2)(a);

  2. Recommendations on infrastructure including transportation for all users of roadways (Sec. 33(2)(b));

  3. Recommendations for redevelopment or rehabilitation of blighted areas (Sec. 33(2)(c));

  4. For a local unit of government that has adopted a zoning ordinance, a zoning plan (Sec. 33(2)(d)) and

  5. Recommendations for implementing any of the master plan’s proposals (Sec. 33(2)(e)).

MPEA (Sec 7(2)(d)) suggest that the Master Plan also include “among other things, promotion of or adequate provision for one or more of the following:

  1. A system of transportation to lessen congestion on streets and provide for safe and efficient movement of people and goods by motor vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, and other legal users.

  2. Safety from fire and other dangers.

  3. Light and air.

  4. Healthful and convenient distribution of population.

  5. Good civic design and arrangement and wise and efficient expenditure of public funds.

  6. Public utilities such as sewage disposal and water supply and other public improvements.

  7. Recreation.

  8. The use of resources in accordance with their character and adaptability.”

The Master Plan will be used by Hamburg Township to do the following:

  • Make better decisions about where to invest in public infrastructure and improve municipal services. 

  • Understand changing demographics and how shifts might impact housing, municipal services, transportation needs, and other aspects of town life.

  • Bring residents together to talk about the Town’s future.

  • Be eligible for funding opportunities, showing how projects have been vetted with the public and are local priorities.

  • Its most important goal is to protect and enhance the things in Hamburg Township that make it a great place to live, both for today’s residents and future generations.

Master Plan: Bio


Public input is an important part of the update process. Residents, businesses, and property owners will have many opportunities to discuss issues and give feedback. The following are a list of way the Township has proposed to gain public input:

  • Public Survey

  • Public workshops and meetings

  • Interviews with community group

  • Informational Booths at Community Events

  • Project website

  • Articles in the Township Newsletter​

Master Plan: Bio


Steering Committee members 

  • Two Township Board Members,

  • The Planning Commission Chairperson,

  • The Zoning Board of Appeals Chairperson,

  • One School Board Member from Each School District,

  • One Staff Member from the Livingston County Planning Department,  

  • One Citizen or Business Owner within the Village Center Area,

  • One Resident of Hamburg Township, and

  • One business owner or commercial property owner. 

The Master Plan Steering Committee will help to guide the update process. It will help to brainstorm on the information needed for the re-writing of the master plan, it will help to staff the public meetings and review the public input, it will help  create and review the new Master Plan Documents.  

Master Plan: Bio


There are three documents that will be reviewed and updated in the  Hamburg Township Master Plan:

  • The M-36 Corridor Plan

  • Village Center Master Plan

  • Hamburg Township Master Plan

Master Plan: Bio
Schedule for Master Plan Update (2-22-20
Master Plan: Welcome
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